Friday, November 11, 2011

from KK to KUDAT.

sorry sgt2 bru teringatkn nak cek blog yg sekian lama x aktif... btw short story, well byk story tpiaqu pendekkn lah ya....on 12/07/2010- aku lapor diri setelah menghantar sebulan notisberhenti kerja dgnsyarikat swasta yg amat aku sygi dan hormati.... im going for gov job this time!!... penempatan-KUDAT.pegawai perpaduan integrasi nasional sabah(jpnin).. i love this job!. migrate to KUDAT noteasy job.. so bila dah stabil byk sosial dgnpengerusi rt dan org kudat, im finaly satledown at kudat, jga pulau banggi plak tu....klu ada reader yg rasa nak visit pulau banggi kudat give me a call-0108036292...due to some mistake no aqu da byk x tukar!!.. argg... kdg2 geram gak...tpi pls jgn salah guna no aqu....for working propose only....setshun dkudat so much expereance! best keja aqu kali ni byk traval dan kuda tua aqu pon sgt2 berjasaim thinking off adding turbo nextyear... hua3....btw cuma mo bersihkn habuk blg aqu update lg later.....

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

keningau to kudat.

sesawang yg bersawang kat blog ni blum taw nak bersihkn camna, rasanya suda agak lma aku abandon blog ni.. bz dgn kerja, lbh2 lg aku bru jer kna posting ke kudator detail to pulau pgwai perpaduan daerah kecil PB.wish me luck,

Monday, September 13, 2010

after raya and counting.....

after raya.. means my time to go from kota kinabalu to keningau is very2 near......well at 1st of oktober i need to be at ofice keningau branch......JPNIN.there some thing i hv to secrefice for this moment.and i will prepare for the worse at kngau.where im posting to tenom area.its 60km from kngau. but since my office at kngau i hv to seek soe room near kngau town.and until now still find a room with help some trusted friend. and this blog will be un updated due to mayb my lazyness to bloging bcos too bz wit work and thing there. its not gonna miss kk but i will pop up in kk if i got time same as anywhere i hv to go...:)

Sunday, August 22, 2010


JPNIN...=jabatan perpaduan negara dan integrasi nasional. its been 1 mont i work here, feel so difrent thou.bila kita pindah masuk dri swasta ke kerja gov mmg amat berbeza. dont get me wrong..... bru sbln pon aku suda amat bz dgn kerja2yg di beri..... merangkumi lwtn ke rukun tetangga kawasan kampung2 di sekitar sabah dan menghadiri byk kursus2 wajib... fuh... lenguh jugak la..... its new, and enjoying work....

Friday, July 23, 2010

rubby inn....KURSUS.

its been 4 days me and jab. perpaduan team berkampung di hotel rubby inn kg air,tolong jgn pandang serong dgn hotel ini... walaupon kwsn hotspot. tapi suprisely hotel ni akan full book pada musim tertentu.....aku bersama rakan sejawat -pegawai perpaduan daerah seluruh sabah seramai 45org, bykilmu yg dikongsikn terutama untuk menjadi pegawai perpaduan darah yg terlatih, bagi aku ini amat baik untuk freshmen officer mcm aku yg jrg bertugas diluar kwsn kerja. namun dpt juga bersedia terlebih awal sebelum dihumban kedaerah masing2.
sebut pasal daerah! aku di tempatkn sekali lg mengikut kata putus dari pengarah DAERAH TENOM!!dimana kwsn yg sejauh 40km dari keningau. dan office terdekat adalah keningau.kenalah aku berusaha majukn diri dan mantapkn ilmu didada sebelum posting UNTUK MENJADI SEORANG PENJAWAT AWAM YANGBERINTEGRITY DAN BERJAYA...amin!.... soon mna2 kwn didaerah tuan yg belum saya lawat sebelum ni sila ajukn disini or pesbook saya... ceh!! mcmla pangkat tu besar sgt!!:)
btw besok akan cek out hotel dan sedih sikit pasal terpksa on9 dari loby sbb bilik xda wifi...cisss!!selamat ml dan salam perpaduan!!!:P

Sunday, July 18, 2010

posting time!!

just had briefing from pengarah and she said she have make desicion on where we gonna be add....luckyly im be posting at keningau where i hpe i got to ranau or such a nice place like sandakan or tawau.... but keningau is such a good place too...
litle knowlage bout keningau but its a place where my office will be im detaily gonna be pegawai perpaduan darerah tenom nabawan, but its officed at keningau.....tenom and nabawan? such a very far place bout 200km from kk. i think i will survive. it gonna be such a lots of job to do but i know i can do it...:).. gambate kudasai!!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010


If you’re reading this, best be aware and a form or warning is bestowed beforehand. For this will be raw, unedited and perhaps offensive to some. But those reasons have never stopped a good read before and i assure you, they won’t stop it now.

Nothing can be further from the truth with the cliché statement ‘boys will be boys’. As boys (normal ones) we like shiny stuffs with wheels. We typically like cars, motorbikes, monsters on wheels, but let’s leave out cart wheels and wheelchairs on this one. I for one can drool upon a shiny harley-davidson fatboy for hours and still can’t get enough, I don’t know why, it’s just in me.

Toys aren’t only for girls. We like them too, GI Joe’s stuffs but definitely not barbies. I would someday like to have in my house a big wall with shelves filled with kick-ass toys from mcFarlanes, old movie posters, sports trophies of past winnings (ada ka? haha).
In general boys like sports, even the ‘kaki bangku’ would enjoy watching the world cup, or a couch potato can enjoy a game of basketball on tv. So don’t mind us, come world cup, turning into mindless zombies worshipping the tv (thank God for astro).

We like girls, especially the pretty ones. I’m not being shallow, it’s just the facts. The truth is we (boys and girls alike) love to look at beautiful things. Women above all else literally live by this very principle. Look at the local and foreign magazines, ads on tv, most are aimed at women. And surprise surprise who’s there on the cover? A very pretty girl in a pretty dress with a pretty make-up. Hey, I’m just pointing out the facts.

Most boys are not hypocrites. One can be more outspoken than the other but we practically have the same understanding. For example, me and a friend are sitting down somewhere and came pass us this hot-in-heels-head-turning-brunette. Our eyes seemed to be glued with her movement until she walked-off the corner. Now, for the outspoken me, I’d directly say to my friend ‘damn! What a smoking babe’. For the more introvert him, he’d give me a nod and a little grin. He will never say ‘I don’t think so’ and kept his real opinion from me. We are a very direct creature, regardless our state of personality.

I’m sure all of us have met with a situation where a bunch of people in a group would make noises and jokes and gave out big laughs in public. It’s ok for us boys to do it. To see a girl laugh, it’s a pretty sight, to see her laugh frantically in a loud voice in public, it’s horror and a definite turn off. You see, boys like girls simply because they are being girly. Let me put it in a simple statement, boys like girls for their femininity.

Through experience, more bitter than sweet, it has come to my knowledge and understanding, that men are as much as fragile as women. We may have built this exterior wall of confidence, arrogance, indifference and belittlement nature that is so deeply and perfectly embedded into our DNA and our sub consciousness so much so that we believe we are different from women, when truth be told we’re not, and the same can be said of women. Stop hating us for what we are, rough, direct, sweaty, and loud. Instead love us for what we can be, a poet, a dreamer or the occasional lover. till next