Friday, October 30, 2009


lu, pikir la sendiri, too tired soory, nothying to share.

Friday, October 23, 2009


family days is just the corner!, im not hating it, im loving it, wat i hate is since im the only single guy, there(office)i reaally fell litle bit jelos of my clik.but its not a problm wit me,well i just gonna enjoy the moment since its a work family value my fren family since they are a bigest suporter for the im not bring anybody.just me myself and my camera.. he3ok lone ranger, i call it.nah, wont bother me at all.just to tired rite now......huhu.. miss my pillow!....:Pzzzz nites!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

y cant i,

yesterday i saw u......... u have that happy face while holding hand with a guy u call"hubby". i know u happy, u saw me from dictance, u smile at me.but y cant i fake my smile back to u?im happy for ur happynes.....and im glade u found someone, better than me,i guest now its just me, no more "us" being more so call "dreame". i have to abandon my hope for u.i know i have to move on on my more last goodbye, this is farewall thanks for always be there for me before.u know i always be here for u.but not for long. i have to move on...........the end .

Saturday, October 17, 2009


sebenarnya aku nak copy ada 1 entry kwn pasal hadis sahabat nabi ni. tapi bloger ni mcm dah ban dri copy paste ni la... argh!!so xdpt la den nak paste kat sini.......
ok..aku type sikit la yer......"who has done an atoms weight of good will receive a reward, who is done an atom's weight of evil will recive punisment"-holy quran 99 7,8
jd bersama la kita renungkn yer..........

Friday, October 16, 2009

hmmm lagu ni best gak..........

hmmm xda lyric attech just to share.....

Thursday, October 15, 2009


hmm althopught im so tired back from work today, but when i reach home my mom suprise me wit spa later!intervbiew later for s17gred.pembantu pembangunan masyarakat. hmm. im happy and will counthing the days wicth is on 27/10/09. at spa ofice at sabah.hmm.hope it will be succesful iv. its not like im runing from my job now. but when the time come for me to change profesion,iim loving my job now but, its been a long time im not having a change in life andchance not coming twise.soam i dare to take the chalange to change? yes i will but let the faith do the job. so basicly im just tawakal dan bersyukur dgn apa yg ada. sesungguhnya DIA LEBIH MENGETAHUI APA YANG TERBAIK.JADI SEBAGAI HAMBANMYA AKU HANYA BERUSAHA BERSUNGUH2 DAN TAWAKAL.LEBIHNYA AKU REDO ATAS SEGALA KETENTUANNYA.. AMIN YA im planing looking foword to the new life its feel to work under gov?for my all life ive been working under privet ferm.and the chalange is so bring it on. let the game begin.. hua3.dua2 for me ok. thank for read this anoying blog.:Phua3.wasalam, never walk alone.......

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


arini, aku cuti kerja sebab ada review kat ospi queen.jumpa doktor pakar. kena suruh gi terapi lagi kat ospi likas....fisio terapi. meanms every week aku kena sick leave.huhu.....ptg tadi call si diaptg tgh hujan.aku ada marah dia sikit pasal x bawa payung gi keja seperti biasa yg aku pesan.tiap2 hari.hujan nanti basahdemam, dan bila demam mulalabuat perangai xmo mkn ubat dan mcm2.tahukah dia byg aku sgt menyayanginya.wasalam.hingga sini je pasal c dia, sbb aku cuma nak luah rasa dlm hati dan jiwa ini he3.kcau jiwa ni.

Monday, October 12, 2009

realy bezy......12/10/09

nothing much to update.very bz with work and my biznes. oh ya my compny name-->NC-(nocoment) tele co......NC. no shop yet, wellnowdaysrent so high.!wtf? 3 k for 1 lot??765sqrfd??bilik aku pon lg besar!!well tmpt sterategik la tgh2 kk....but dunno its up to my bizns partners to rent where....... and we are still in the bizness.we call etchother bosss.. muahaha. well.stil a long way to go thou.pray alot and gv support to me will ya!:) chayo..chayo....
go-nc... go nc..........kambate........arigato kozaimasta.......thanks all for suporthing....!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


recently i bumb to her..... andshe is looking so pale, i ask"are u sicxk?"she said"yes"and then i just said "get well soon" and walk away..... im ignoring my heart for thedunno how many my hearth i really want to know how is she?is she happy now?how can i tell her that im woory for her being sick?thats no way she will met me. bcos i know her well.when its done then its done.iam a stranger for her she is for me.well, bintang masih di langit, dan air akan terus mengalir,kita akan terus berjalan kedepan.....too tired to bloging, until next time,pls give me some space............wasalam.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

before rayo......

ini adalah pic yg diambil sebelum raya,/sebelum abah balik johor......
dah lama sgt xambil pic.lgpon, abah nak try camera bar.....aku ulang"BARU"he3....mmg abah aku ni mesti nak tunjuk benda baru dananak sulung dia ni akan puji2 abis la.."fuyoo, baru"...he3..
mmg aku pndai kipas abah......sbb dia abah yg paling baik dlm dunia ni. the best i ever have!....he3

sebelum raya hantar abah gi airport......... mak dan ain.....

Friday, October 2, 2009


wat the hell?? my notebook is pink? aiyoo... kena kutuk!muka ganas notebook pink?jambu.....muahaha.mmg cute tapi dah notebook ni xda color lain xda stok!aku nak tukar gi color hitam or biru... tpi xpela tawakal jer.he3. terasa cute pkai notebook pink ni.he3.later aku post pic notebook ni.jom kedaI DLU.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


duit dah masyuk!! bisness nak jln!! soon pic kedai akan di post!!! he3