Saturday, August 1, 2009

first isue? litle bit of me.

i create blog in friendster b4, well its time to move to bigger home, call bloger.... huhuhu, apeda, org lain suda bikin blog lama suda, me?ppl not even life is not really as interested as ur life out there, i'm juz a normal guy by the age of25 who recently be an o.k.u.(org kurang upaya)bcos i got AVM(abnormal nerve multifunction)yeah nerve problm.well , i belive in ALLAH.i know HE got plan for me,there always a reason for something HE created.i'm not regret being like this. i accept for what HE gv me.thankful im still alive.....alive and still can feel walk and talk...doing job. its not easy, i will work hard for it. its like a second chance for me being alive.weell to tired asfar it goes i will continued bout me in other time. thanks for read.never walk alone.

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